Are You Making These Embarrassing - Attraction Killing - Mistakes With Women?

Attraction and seduction expert, Vince Sutherland, is giving away tips for increasing your success with women.

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How Make A Girl Crave You

A big milestone you’ll hit sooner or later – so long as you keep working on your game – is that you’ll have women chasing after you.

They will be eager to spend more time around you.

They will chase you.

They will crave you.

Now, famous men get chased by women all the time. The have it easy with the fame factor working in their favor. But we can’t all be famous.

So how can a regular – non-famous – man replicate this sort of affect and have women chasing after him.

Wonder no more, because I have the answer.

Here’s 3 ways to make a girl crave you:

#1 – Spend Less Time With Her

This might sound counter-intuitive. But I’ve found the best way to make a girl want to spend more time with you, is to spend less time with her.

It really is true what they say: Absence makes the heart grow fonder – and attraction grow stronger!

You do this by not being available all of the time. Reason being, if you’re a man of value, you likely lead a busy life. You only have so much time to spend with your woman. If you’re constantly available every time she wants to spent time with you, she’s going to either think your a loser who has nothing else going on, or you’re cancelling other plans just so you can meet up with her.

Either way, this isn’t a good message to be sending.

If you limit seeing your woman to once or twice a week, she’s going to stay hungry for you. She’s going to crave you and be ready to jump your bones whenever  she next see’s you.

#2 – Rock Her World In The Bedroom

Speaking of her jumping your bones… if you really want your women to crave you like nothing else, you’ve got to rock her world in the bedroom.

Yeah, you’re right. A fairly attractive women can practically guarantee she can get sex whenever she likes. However, she likely can’t get “great sex” whenever she likes… because the cold hard truth is: Most guys are bad in bed.

If you can rock her world in bedroom, you’ll practically have her on a leash. She’ll be yours for as long as you want her.

So how do you rock her world in the bedroom?

It’s pretty simple. Most guys are a bad lay, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. I cover everything you need to know to be a rockstar in the bedroom in my eBook, “How To Fuck Her Properly”.

It’s available free as bonus to all members of the Get Her Bed program. You’ll find all the details of how you can join here:

#3 – Never Put Her Wants, Needs, And Desires Above Your Own

Men who go out of there way to please a woman never get respected by woman. And woman don’t find it remotely attractive. In fact, they’re repulsed by men who bend to their whim like a subservient chump.

Never… I repeat… Never put the wants, needs and desires of a woman above your own.

The moment you do that, you’ve lost.

Instead, focus on your goals, your desires, your mission, and let her join you on your awesome journey through life.

Not vice versa.

Apply these 3 factors to a girl in your life and you can be sure that she’ll be craving you in no time!