Category Archives for "Attraction"

How To Talk To Women

how to talk to a woman

I’ve had a reader write in asking the following question:

“I know how to open a conversion women, and I know how to ask for there number, but I struggle to keep an actual conversation going. What the hell am I meant to talk about?”

And it’s a great question.

Because so much game material focuses on opening lines, getting the number and getting her in bed. But very little is written about holding a conversation.

To a lot of folks, holding a conversation comes naturally.

But if that aint you, then there’s not a great deal of info to help you improve your conversation game.

But don’t worry. You’re man Vince is on the case and ready to fill in that info-void!

So let’s hop to it.

Whether you’ve approached a girl (or you’ve been lucky enough to have one approach you), there’s a certain vibe you want to give off as you’re conversing with her.

The Vibe:

You want to talk as if you’re qualifying her. You’re finding out if she’s a good fit for you and worth investing your time in (not vice versa!)

Initially keep the conversation light and jokey. Don’t go asking her what she’s studying, or what her job is. These topics are boring…

You can ask her these kinds of things further down the line once you’ve determined she’s worthy of your time. For the time being, you shouldn’t give a damn.

Conversation Lines:

Now you understand the vibe, here’s 2 conversation lines you can throw out to keep things rolling along smoothly. From my field experience and testing these lines work. Give ’em a blast yourself. See how you go.

“Do you come here often?”

It’s a stupidly simple line, but it works like a charm. It’s a good way to get a sense of what type of chick she is. If you’re out at a club and you ask this question, and she answers yes, then you know she likes to party – and likely drinks a lot.

Insightful stuff.

Another tried and tested conversational continuer is…

“Tell me about the wildest thing you’ve ever do?”

Again, how she answers this will be very insightful. And it’ll like get her telling you a story.

People love telling their own stories and talking about themselves (women especially) so this will get her happily doing a lot of the conversations heavy lifting. Which is a nice bonus if you’re not the talkative type.

From there, you can share a similar story with her from your own experience, or question her more about an interesting detail from her story.

You can easily get at least 10 – 20 minutes of great conversation out of this one simple question!

And from that point, you’ll likely have discovered lots of new things about her which are all potential tangents to take the conversation off in.

It’s dead simple. But it works.

So there you have it.

The vibe and couple of lines that’ll keep a conversation with a new woman flowing like water.

Put them to use the next time you’re out.

Newbie Game Advice

game advice for newbies

I often get asked, what should men who are completely new to game do to rapidly improve their success rate and start getting the results they want with women fast?

So, to answer that question, I decided to put together this short article with the 4 things I recommend all men new to game do.

Here we go:

#1 – Read & Apply Game Material

Reading Game advice like the articles here at Principles Of Seduction, and the top notch advice you’ll find inside programs such as Get Her In Bed, can really improve your game skills fast.

But what’s just as important… if not more so… than actually reading game material is going out and applying it.

Knowing how to seduce women is all well and good.

But it isn’t real until you actually go out and do it.

Don’t be one of these booksmart wannabe players who “know” everything there is to know about picking up women, but have never actually applied any of that info.

Otherwise, what’s the goddamn point!

#2 – Find Yourself A Game Mentor

Reading about game advice is one thing. But learning game in person can be a lot quicker if you find the mentor.

Find yourself a friend or an acquaintance that is great at swooping women. Spend a night out at the club with them and learn as much as you can from them. Watch how they operate.

Offer to buy all the drinks for the night if you have to in order to hang out with this person. What you learn from them will be well worth the investment.

#3 – Always Be Approaching

Game is a skill, and like all skills, the only way to improve and get better is through consistent regular practice.

I suggest making a small commitment to regularly using game every single day.

Make it apart of your every day life.

How do you do this?

It’s quite simple. Just make the small commitment of approaching one new women each day. It could be on the bus on your way to work, or at the coffee shop, or the grocery store, or on the street or wherever.

All you have to do is approach her, start a casual conversation with her, and try to get her number.

If you want detailed instructions on how to best go about doing this, check out Get Her In Bed, in which I break down what I’ve found to be the most effective way of doing this.

One approach a day is all it takes to significantly skyrocket your game and start seeing the kind of results you desire with women.

#4 – Don’t Be Scared Of Rejection

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

When you’re doing your “one approach per day”, most of the women you talk to will not give you their phone numbers.

That’s okay.

Getting rejected might sting a little a first, but you’ll quickly get used to it. In order to succeed at anything in this life, you’re going to have to fail a lot first.

Game is no different.

I get rejected all the time…

I also get laid a lot too. Because I don’t let rejection faze me and I keep moving forward.

Do the same and you’ll see great results.

Just follow these 4 simple pieces of advice and it won’t be long before you start to see your first signs of game success!

Quit Getting Numbers, Start Getting Laid

quit getting numbers start getting laid

If I could point to one particular thing that made the biggest improvement to my game, it would have to be making the mindset shift from aiming to get phone numbers – to aiming to get laid.

Now, this mostly applies to night game, and this advice is purely tailored to men interested in casual sex.

If you’re approaching a woman during the day, getting her digits is more often than not the right way to go about things.

But if you’re out at a bar or a club, give “forgetting about the digits” a try.

Getting a woman’s number at a bar or a club is a good call for those who are new to game… but if you consider yourself relatively skilled and have the basics down, you want to start forgetting about getting a woman’s number and instead be aiming to bed her the same night you meet her.

After all, it doesn’t matter how many phone number you get if none of them actually convert into dates, or sex.

And let’s be honest.

The majority of phone numbers you get at bars and clubs don’t convert into dates or sex – no matter how much of a modern day Casanova you are!

So give the following a try.

The next time you’re out, refuse to take any phone numbers. Forget about phone numbers all together.

Your one and only aim should be sleep with a woman you meet that very night.

That’s the mark of true player.

Now, whether or not you’re successful in getting a one night stand is neither here or there.

If you are successful congratz!

If not, don’t sweat it.

Simply by going out with the intention of landing a one night stand, and pulling out all the stops to attempt to make that happen, is going to improve your game immensely.

You’re actively challenging yourself to achieve more with your game.

You’re no longer happy to just settle for a phone number.

And in doing so, you’re going to save yourself a boatload of time by instantly screening out girls who are not interested in having casual sex. Because a lot of girls who aren’t looking for a bang will be happy to give out their number and string guys along, so long as the guys keep giving them the attention they crave.

When you refuse to accept settling for her number, you screen out these time wasters.

It’s an important mindset shift that has the ability to move your game level from good to great.

How Make A Girl Crave You

make a girl crave you

A big milestone you’ll hit sooner or later – so long as you keep working on your game – is that you’ll have women chasing after you.

They will be eager to spend more time around you.

They will chase you.

They will crave you.

Now, famous men get chased by women all the time. The have it easy with the fame factor working in their favor. But we can’t all be famous.

So how can a regular – non-famous – man replicate this sort of affect and have women chasing after him.

Wonder no more, because I have the answer.

Here’s 3 ways to make a girl crave you:

#1 – Spend Less Time With Her

This might sound counter-intuitive. But I’ve found the best way to make a girl want to spend more time with you, is to spend less time with her.

It really is true what they say: Absence makes the heart grow fonder – and attraction grow stronger!

You do this by not being available all of the time. Reason being, if you’re a man of value, you likely lead a busy life. You only have so much time to spend with your woman. If you’re constantly available every time she wants to spent time with you, she’s going to either think your a loser who has nothing else going on, or you’re cancelling other plans just so you can meet up with her.

Either way, this isn’t a good message to be sending.

If you limit seeing your woman to once or twice a week, she’s going to stay hungry for you. She’s going to crave you and be ready to jump your bones whenever  she next see’s you.

#2 – Rock Her World In The Bedroom

Speaking of her jumping your bones… if you really want your women to crave you like nothing else, you’ve got to rock her world in the bedroom.

Yeah, you’re right. A fairly attractive women can practically guarantee she can get sex whenever she likes. However, she likely can’t get “great sex” whenever she likes… because the cold hard truth is: Most guys are bad in bed.

If you can rock her world in bedroom, you’ll practically have her on a leash. She’ll be yours for as long as you want her.

So how do you rock her world in the bedroom?

It’s pretty simple. Most guys are a bad lay, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. I cover everything you need to know to be a rockstar in the bedroom in my eBook, “How To Fuck Her Properly”.

It’s available free as bonus to all members of the Get Her Bed program. You’ll find all the details of how you can join here:

#3 – Never Put Her Wants, Needs, And Desires Above Your Own

Men who go out of there way to please a woman never get respected by woman. And woman don’t find it remotely attractive. In fact, they’re repulsed by men who bend to their whim like a subservient chump.

Never… I repeat… Never put the wants, needs and desires of a woman above your own.

The moment you do that, you’ve lost.

Instead, focus on your goals, your desires, your mission, and let her join you on your awesome journey through life.

Not vice versa.

Apply these 3 factors to a girl in your life and you can be sure that she’ll be craving you in no time!

How To Get The Number Of That Cute Barista Girl

get number of cute barista

Every time you visit your local coffee shop, she catches your eyes.

You just wish you could get her number, and get her out on a date with you… but you don’t have the faintest idea how to go about it without coming across as a creep?

Well don’t worry.

I’ve got you covered.

Because today I’m going to break down  an effective strategy for getting the number of the cute barista girl.

It’s not a foolproof strategy – No strategy ever is!

She might already have a boyfriend, or maybe she just isn’t feeling your vibe, or who knows what. It’s not going to work 100% of the time every time.

But if you follow this strategy to the letter, you’re going to give yourself the best chance of getting that cute barista girls number.

So lets dive on into the strategy itself.

Step 1:

You’re going to have to frequent this coffee shop somewhat regularly for a few days. So you’ll want to have something to do.

Maybe bring a laptop and get some work done. Or a notepad and do some writing.

Now, you need to get the cute barista girl to first acknowledge your existence. She has to know you exist before we go any further.

The best way to do this is to make sure she serves you.

If you attend the same coffee shop frequently enough, it’ll just be a matter of time before she ends up serving you. When you’re ordering your coffee, smile and make some small talk with her. If she’s wearing a distinct piece of jewellery, or has a cool tattoo or something unique about her, compliment her on it.

For example, tell her, “What’s the story behind that bracelet your wearing? It looks really cool!”

Girls love receiving a genuine compliment.

Just be sure to not over do it.

You’re just giving her this one initial compliment to make her feel good and get her attention.

Make some more friendly chat and get on a first name basis with her.

Step 2:

The next step is to enjoy your coffee and look engrossed in whatever it is you’re doing.

Maybe you’re getting some work done on your laptop. Maybe your writing on a notepad.

The trick is to look engrossed.

Reason being, you want to be creating an element of mystery about you in the girls mind. She’ll see you sitting enjoying your coffee, engrossed in something (who knows what) and you now seem a little mysterious to her.

Continue to repeat steps 1 and 2 for a few days.

Step 3:

By now you should have talked with the barista a few times, and built a little rapport with her.

She’ll have also seen you engrossed in writing on a laptop or on a notepad for a few days in a row. You’ll now come across to her as a little bit mysterious.

This is good.

She may even be intrigued enough to ask you what you’re doing. Be truthful when you tell her, but be a little vague to keep the aura of mystery about you.

For example, tell her you’re doing a little writing, or you’re a web designer, or you’re catching up on emails or something equally as vague.

Now it’s time to move in for the kill and get her number.

So how do you go about doing this?

The best approach is to be fairly direct.

But there’s some subtleties you want to take into account as well to do with the way you ask.

You want to frame it as if you’re qualifying and choosing her rather than vice versa.

Here’s how you can do just that.

Just say:

“You also seem to brighten up my day whenever I see you. We shout meet up sometime when you’re not wearing that green apron. What’s your number?”

Or alternatively:

“You seem cool. We should get together sometime when you’re not working. What’s your number?”

Will these lines work all the time? No. So put on your big boy pants and be prepared to get turned down.

But they do work a surprising amount of the time, and some barista girls will jump ant the oppertunity to give you their number and be so glad you asked.

They’re simple, direct and get straight to the point.

And women respect a man who is direct.

A man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to put himself out there to get it.

That’s the type of man you should be striving to become.

Over and out!

3 Core Principles Of Good Game

3 core principles of good game

You could spend a lifetime reading game advice, delving into all the different takes on it, and deciding what sounds right for you – but here’s the cold hard truth.

Sure, reading advice is great and it will help you a lot. But if… and only if… you actually go out and apply it and put in the hours of practice.

A guy who has read zero game advice but has spent 100 hours approaching women will have better game than a guy who has spent hundred hours reading game advice and zero hours approaching women.

Of course, there’s a happy medium to be struck for optimal game.

I reckon it’s somewhere 1 hour reading game advice to every 5 hours actually talking to women.

Of course, you might spend a little more time reading when you’re starting out, and less time reading when you’re rockin’ and rollin!

But when you spend too much time reading, and not enough time out gaming, you’re going to run into a big problem.

You’re likely going to be overthinking things.

It’s a bit of a paradox.

When you’re not out gaming, you can get better by thinking about game. But when you are out gaming, you’re going to get the best results when you’re not consciously thinking about game.

You’ve got to be present and in the moment.

You’re game should come across naturally.

What this means is that you shouldn’t appear as if you’re trying to hard to seduce the girl you’re talking to. The less you seem like you’re trying – the less effort you appear to be putting in – the more attractive you’re going to be.

But with all that being said, you still need to know what qualities women find attractive in men and know how to subtly display these qualities.

When you break game down into its core components, you’ll find that there are really 3 core principles of good game.

Whether your a rank newbie or a game aficionado, these core principles will still apply.

And they are:

#1 – Develop And Display Attractive Male Qualities

Some guys just seem to be total chick magnets, and have women flocking to them, without them seeming to do very much, or put in very much effort.

And the reason behind the success of these men, is because they have – either naturally, or through conscious effort – cultivated and displayed qualities in themselves that women find attracted.

To understand what qualities women find attractive in men, it’s sometimes easier to first look at what qualities they find unattractive.

  • Anxiety
  • Indecisiveness
  • Lack of Planning
  • Lack of direction
  • Instability
  • Moodiness

Or to encapsulate all these qualities under one of the big five personality traits – neuroticism.

Neuroticism is typically a feminine trait (meaning females generally tend to score higher in this category that males) so it’s unsurprising that women generally tend to find these qualities unattractive.

The masculine qualities women find attractive are generally the opposite of neurotic.

These include:

  • Decisiveness
  • Assertion
  • Calmness
  • Productivity
  • Physicality
  • Consistency

These are some of the attractive personality traits that you want to adopt and cultivate if you want to appear naturally attractive to women.

They won’t all come quickly, and they can’t be switched on and off at a moments notice.

You can just flip on your “man switch” when you’re out on the pull at the weekend, and flip back to your “regular personality” during the week at work.

It doesn’t work like that.

They are traits that you have to develop over time. They have to become part of you.

You can’t fake them.

Moving on to numero #2.

#2 – Vary Your Interest Levels

Women are great at picking up on subtle social cues. They’re hard-wired to do so.

If you like a girl, she’ll usually be able to tell right away just from subtle little things such as how you’re standing… your tone of voice… the way you look at her.

And if you know the first thing about game, you’ll know that you’re going to get the best results if the girl is unsure as to whether you’re into her or not.

There has to be a degree of mystery about you.

If she can read you like an open book, she’s not going to be interested in taking things with you any further.

So… what’s the solution.

It’s fairly simple. The trick is to vary your level of interest when you’re talking to a girl.

One minute you want to seem super into her. Rapt by her.

The next minute, you’re turning your back on her, yawning, looking disinterested.

That’s a bit of an extreme example, but you get the point. You want to be sending mixed signals so she’s not 100% sure as to how you feel about her.

And don’t worry about a girl ending a conversation with you because you don’t seem to be paying too much attention to her.

This rarely, if ever happens.

The fact is, most guys make the mistake of getting too clingy and paying too much attention to a woman way too soon. This comes across as super needy and there is nothing women find more unattractive in men than neediness.

By occasionally appearing disinterested in a woman, your attractiveness will actually rise in her mind.

So remember, vary your interest levels and come across as a little bit mysterious.

#3 – Let Her Chase You

Most men make the huge mistake of thinking they need to do more in order to make a woman more attracted to them.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Sure, you have to take action at first and approach the woman – but once you’ve got her interest and have created those first few sparks of attraction, the less you do, the more attractive you’re going to seem.

Don’t call or text her for a few days. Act as if you’re not sure if you’ll bother seeing her again.

If those sparks of attraction are there, and she has a means of contacting you, it won’t be long before you’re hearing from her.

Especially if you done a good job at nailing the first 2 core principles mentioned in this article.

If a girl is reaching out to you, even if it’s such a text saying “Hey” it does 2 things.

  1. It tells you she’s definitely interested in you. Otherwise she wouldn’t have bothered texting you.
  2. It puts you in the #1 spot to move things forward with her.

Think about it. Attractive single women tend to get multiple messages a day from guys who all want to sleep with them. And they ignore most of them.

If you instead play it cool and let her reach out to you, guess who’s #1 in line for taking things to the next level with her?

It’s you.

These 3 core principles make up the basics of good game.

Sure, there is a lot more to game that what I’ve talked about in this article… but if you can dial in these 3 foundational principles, you’re going to have better game than 95% of the other guys out there.

I’ve given you the blueprint.

The rest is up to you.

How To Use “Bad Game” To Attract Women

bad game attract women

Picture this…

You’re out at a bar and you’ve clocked an absolute stunner of a girl.

Now, the odds are that you’re not the only man in the room who’s got his eye on her – there’s competition a plenty.

But the good news is, your competition is likely quite weak. Because the reality is, most guys game sucks. Reason being, most guys don’t know what they are doing.

She’s going to get approached a ton over the course of the night, and as the night wears on she’s going to grow increasing tired of all the weesh game coming her way.

Which means, your game only needs to be slightly better than all the guys that approach her.

Which aint hard once you know what to avoid.

So help you out with that, here’s a few common examples of poor game you’d do best drop from your arsenal.

Cat calling… cheesy and overly direct openers… escalating the conversation too soon… making physical advances too soon…

And it gets worse…

You’ll see a lot of guys buying a girl a drink with the expectation that the girl should be obligated to talk to them if she accepts it. Then they get all annoyed and upset when the girl accepts the drink and bounces on them.

Let’s clear things up right here.

If you buy a girl a drink she has no obligation to talk to you. And you are under no obligation to buying girls drinks.

A man with decent game know that, and he will only buy a girl a drink if he WANTS to buy her a drink.

All this over the top game serves to do is make the guys using it look pathetic and desperate.

Keep your eye out for guys using the bad game and observe what doesn’t work.

Then do the opposite.

Instead of coming across as attention seeking and desperate, you want to give off a calm, cool and collected vibe.

So when you see a guy trying to attract a girl with bad game, all you’ve got to do is sit back and observe. Watch him fail. And once he’s been rejected, swoop on in.

You can then simply start a regular friendly conversation with girl, and so long as you don’t give off a creepy desperate vibe (like 90% of guys do) you’re going to seem like Casanova compared to all the other guys who’ve approached her that night.

If any other guys try to swoop in and talk to her after this, you can relax, safe in the knowledge that their game will likely be poor,and you’ll have already developed some rapport with her by this point.

She may even scoot over closer to you to fend over the dreadful approaches from other guys. This is a great position to be in because it frames you as a protector.

This is an ancient attraction dynamic from the days when humans still lived in caves, but its power is still relevant in the female attraction mechanism today.

When this happens, the other guys in the bar will start to back off from approaching her and progressing things from that point on should be a piece of cake!

Just remember, you don’t need to have the best game in the world to get the girl.

Being the best in the room is usually good enough.

Girls go out to bars because they want to be approached. The trouble is most guys suck at approaching, so when you come up and approach them with reasonably good game, you’re going to be welcomed.

How To Get Laid In College

how to get laid in college

Congratulations! You made it out of high school and its rigid social class system and you’re now moving onto college – a placed filled with hundreds of horny college girls waiting for you to pick them up.

And the good news is, it doesn’t matter if you weren’t the super smooth jock who got all the ladies in high school… It doesn’t even matter if you were the biggest loser of all time.

Because you’re going to be in a new enviroment, surrounded my new people, and lot’s of fresh pussy. In other words, this is your chance to reinvent yourself, develop a whole social circle and get laid a ton

Which is exactly what I’m going to show you how to do in this article. So without anymore arsing around, let’s get to it!

Your Social Circle Matters

Have you ever heard the saying that you become the average of your 5 closest friends?

Well it applies to getting laid too.

Especially so in college. The popular, well connected – and therefore “per-selected” college male will be forgiven for many faults. So do everything in your power to be social and develop relationships as soon as you get to college. I don’t care if you’re introverted. (So am I!) Suck it up and make an effort to make some friends. The quality of your college sex life depends on it.

Get to know everyone in your dorm as soon as possible. Within a week you should be on a first name basis with all of them. Same goes for people in your classes.

Attend any mixers or parties that you hear are going on. Introduce yourself to everyone. Don’t by shy about it. Everyone else will be in the same boat as you and looking to make new friends. So they’ll be happy that someone else is taking the initiative and starting conversations with them.

Don’t worry about getting laid in your first week… or even your second week. Just focus on making as many new friends as quickly as possible. Building up a strong social network early on is going to set you up for getting easy pussy throughout the rest of your time at college.

Join A Frat

Yes, I know. Frat guys are largely considered to be “douchebags”. But guess what… They also get laid a ton. Which is why you want to join one.

But keep in mind, the type of frat you join matters. There are probably one or two really cool frats that you want to aim to join… and there will probably be another couple of weesh frats filled with dorks. Obviously, you want to avoid those.

So how can you get into one of the cool frats? My advice would be to go hang out at the local college gym. You’ll usually find some frat guys there. They may even be wearing their letters. Go up to, introduce yourself and shoot the shit with them. But try not to come across as too much of a tryhard. Tell them you’re interested in rushing and be cool. Before you know it you’ll be going through the process of joining!

Get Involved In The Bar Scene

There will probably be one or two bars near your college that are popular with the college crowd. Your aim should be to make friends with the staff and owners of these bars and get in tight. Do this by hanging out there every now and then and being social with the staff. If you can get a job bouncing or bar-tending at one of these places even better. Bar tenders especially do really well in the pussy department. This might not be possible to do right away if you’re under 21. But it’s a good goal for the long term at college.

Don’t Miss Opportunities To Go Out

If your first class doesn’t start until 11am the next morning, there’s no reason you can’t go out the night before. When you’ve graduated college and waking up at 6am to go to work, you’re going to look back and regret all those week nights at college that you didn’t go out and have fun.

Don’t Be A Gossip

No one likes a gossip. No one trusts a gossip. And no one wants to hang out with someone who’s a gossip. So don’t be a gossip. This means no talking about who you’re banging… who you want to bang… who someone else is banging… or anything else that could be considered gossip.

Don’t Commit To A Girl In College

Seriously. Just don’t. You’ll very likely end up regretting it. Trust me on this one.

Don’t Cold Approach

I know this contradicts most game advice, and cold approaching can work great out in the regular world… but the fact of the matter is that cold approaching is a numbers game. And you have to approach a lot of different women before you will have any success.

And if you’re to do this in college – where everyone’s social circle is highly interconnected – world will start to get round the girls that your the weird guy who tries to pickup every woman he sees. This is going to hurt you a lot more than it will help you.

So instead of cold approaching, focus on meeting new girls through your social circle and at parties. You’ll have a lot more success taking this sort of approach.

The only exception to this is in your first week or two where you should be cold approaching just about everyone – (Male and female) – and making friends.

Summing It All Up

If you follow the advice I’ve laid out for you above, you can easily get laid in college more than you will at any other point in your entire life.

And on top of all that, you’ll likely end up meeting people who will go on to become lifelong friends with you.

But all of that will only happen if you make an effort to be extremely social

Get it wrong and your college experience can be hell on earth. But do it right and you’ll create memories you’ll cherish for the rest of your life!

You’ve now got the knowledge. The rest is up to you!

How To Build Attraction With Touch And Oxytocin

touching a woman oxytocin release

A big question that goes through the heads of a lot of men when they’re out on a first date with a women is:

“How much should I be touching her?”

You may have read that touch is super important when creating an attraction with a woman.

But you’re also probably worrying about touching her too much and coming across as a little bit creepy.

So hopefully this article can clear up some of those questions for you, and leave you knowing how to use the full power of your touch to make a woman attracted to you.

Touching Her Skin

Whenever you touch a woman you create a chemical reaction in both yourself and her.

You cause each others bodies to release a chemical compound known as oxytocin.

Now, for those of you who aren’t science geeks, oxytocin is basically a hormone that occurs in mammals that is strongly linked to sexual reproduction.

Oxytocin does quite a few interesting things.

First of all, it increases testosterone levels, which leads to an increased sex drive. (In women as well as men)

Secondly, oxytocin is the biochemical agent that triggers feelings of bonding. A.K.A (liking, lust and love)

And thirdly, oxytocin makes people feel good.

And best of all… women respond a lot more strong to oxytocin than men do, because oxytocin requires estrogen to produce all of these effects. (And women generally have a lot more estrogen than men, duh!)

So not only does your touch make a woman feel good. It also makes her horny and produces a feeling of bonding towards you.

In other words… the more you touch a woman when she’s out on a date with you, the higher your chances of having sex with her.

Touching a woman, even very lightly, can completely change the way she thinks about you.

And whats more, once just a little oxytocin has been released into the blood stream, it creates the desire for more.

So What Does This Mean For You

If you’re out on a first date with a woman, you don’t want to just start touching her like crazy right off the bat. Because if you do that, you’re going to end up giving off a creepy vibe, and you’re going to scare her off.

Not good!

So the trick is to start off slowly. Just touch her very lightly for a brief second or her arm, and then take your hand away again.

When you do this, a very small amount of oxytocin is going to be released into her blood stream.

Do a few more of these ligh touches throughout the early stages of your date to let her get comfortable with you touching her, and to release more oxytocin into her bloodstream.

Before long, she’s going to be craving more oxytocin and because of this, she’s going to be comfortable with you touching her for longer.

As the date goes on, you can experiment with touching her for longer – and in more intimate places.

For example, you could start with light touches on her arms or her hands. You could then move on to touching her upper leg. Then her back… her waist… and he her bum.

Just don’t rush it!

Start off lightly and slowly build up to the more intimate touching.

Do it right and by the end of the date she’s going to be very turned on, and pent up full of sexual energy.

Is She Actually Into You… Or Just A Tease!


As a man, it’s hard to imagine a serious relationship without sex.

You can’t really have one without the other (and when you do, it doesn’t usually end well!)

So if you were talking to your mate and he said he’d been dating  a woman for a few months now – but he still hadn’t had sex with her – you’d probably look at him like he was crazy!

And rightly so.

But it’s not just relationships that we equate with sex. It’s the dating landscape as a whole.

I bet at some point you’ve come across a woman who seemed really into you. Maybe she was really flirty with you. Maybe she would send you some naughty texts from time to time.

But ultimately, whenever you tried to ramp things up and get intimate with her, she’d make all kinds of excuses.

I’ve been there too!

When this happens, it’s easy to feel confused.

You might wonder to yourself: “Why is this woman so seemingly into me… but also seems to have zero interest in actually having sex with me? What is going on?”

Well the answer is quite simple…

The fact is these sorts of woman are just teases.

Let me explain why this is the case, and how to deal with teases.

The psychology behind the “tease” phenomenon is actually pretty interesting.

You see, women crave validation. And while both sexes enjoy feeling validated from time to time, validation for women is like a drug to them.

It feels as good as sex to them.

They need it, and will go to great lengths to get it!

It’s why they get so obsessed about posting pictures on Instagram and Facebook so they can lap up all the likes and attention.

And it’s why they tease guys and lead them on…

Flirting with a man and leading him on is one of the easiest ways to get attention, compliments and validation.

For women, just knowing that there are guys interested in them, who are desperate to have sex with them is as pleasing as actually having sex.

So, what’s the solution?

This is going to sound a little bit crude, but I promise you it works like crazy!

If a woman starts teasing you, but shows no interest in progressing things physically, then…

…you’ve got to treat her like a dog!

I told you it would sound crude. But seriously, hear me out.

When I say treat her like a dog, I don’t mean that you should take her and make her chase after a ball…

No. What I mean is that you should reward her good behavior with attention and validation (the thing she craves!)

And “punish” her bad behavior by withdrawing your attention and validation from her.

In this case, the bad behavior is her teasing.

The next time she starts with her “teasing behavior” – such as flirting, or fishing for compliments – you should act like you’re no longer interested.

Don’t flirt back. Don’t compliment her. Don’t give her any validation.

When you do this, one or two things will happen.

One she’ll realize she’s not getting what she wants from you anymore – validation – so she’ll end up moving onto some other sucker who’ll give her free validation in exchange for not having sex with her.

This is a win, because it means you’re not wasting your time with a tease anymore and you can spend that time pursuing other “more worthy” women instead.

And the second thing that can often happen is she’ll start to respect you.

She’ll see you in a new light.

All of a sudden, you’re not like the other 5 guys she’s talking too who are all goo-goo-gah-gah over her.

She’ll wonder why her teasing is no longer working on you, and she’ll start chasing after you.

When this happens, the woman can be like putty in your hands.

In her eyes, your value has just skyrocketed.

Just continue to show almost no interest in her for about a week and let the tension build.

Then you can slowly start to show a little interest in her again and take things to the next level.

If you’re dealing with a tease right now, give this a go and see it works for you. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results.

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