Category Archives for "Relationships"

So You Want A Girlfriend Do Ya?

i want a girlfriend

A lot of the great info on this site is geared towards approaching, seducing, and bedding new women on a consistent basis, but I know that quite a lot of the readers here at Principles of Seduction are also interested in getting involved in a serious long term relationship with a woman.

So I’m going to give you some tips today on how to go about getting into an LTR the right way.

A lot of guys make the mistake of thinking that if they are going to get into a relationship with girl that they don’t need to use game anymore.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you want to have a happy long term term relationship then constantly gaming your girl is key.

And this all starts with how you go about getting into the relationship.

As you likely already know, control your frame is vital if you want to have success with women.

And so it is with relationships, you want to start the relationship within the right frame.

In this context, it means you have to let the woman make the first move towards the two of you being exclusive. This frames you in the position of power, and as the one who is being “chased” by her.

Now, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “that’s all well and good, but how do I go about making a woman take the first step to asking for us to be exclusive?”

Well I’m glad you asked.

It’s rather simple really. The following “tactic” works around 80% – 90% of the time. And the 10% – 20% of girls it doesn’t work on have zero interest in being in a committed relationship with you anyway.

So you could say it’s foolproof.

Here’s what you do.

You’ve approached this woman, hit things off with her, been on a few dates. You’ve been sleeping with her and seeing her (doing things other than just sex) for a few months now.

Once you’ve got that situation all set up – which I show you how to do in Get Her In Bed –  it’s just a matter of time before she’s going to initiate “the talk” with you.

It’s rare you’ll come across a woman who is happy to be in a casual relationship long term.  They all want commitment at some point.

So wait it out for a few months and she’ll be asking for the pair of you to become “official” BF/GF before you know it.

At this point, the relationship power is in your hands.

You don’t want to get super excited and say yes right away. Your best bet is to hem and haw a little. Tell her you need to think about it. Then a day or two later you can agree to being in a committed relationship with her if that’s what you truly want.

Doing this will put you in the relationship driving seat.

It’s vital that you never ask a woman to become your girlfriend. Be patient, and always let the woman be the one to push for commitment.

To do so would frame you as the “chaser” and not the one being “chased” – which is not a good frame to enter a relationship with.

You’re much more likely to have a happy long term relationship if you let her ask for commitment first.

And second piece of advice for guys looking to get into an LTR is very similar to the first, so I’ll keep this brief.

You should NEVER be the one to bring up talk of feelings or emotions first, and you should NEVER tell a girl you love her before she has told you that she loves you.

It’s all about frame.

Ignore this advice at your relationships peril.

Why You Should Never Take Your Ex Back

should I get back with my ex

If you’ve ever went through a bit of a dry spell with the ladies, the idea of getting back with your ex might seem quite appealing.

It can seem a lot easier to reach out, and rekindle that old flame, as opposed to going out and finding some “fresh meat”.

Maybe your ex is even reaching out to you and trying to pick things up again…

…and if you’ve not been laid in while, you might even get to thinking it’s a good idea.

If you’ve ever felt that way, you’re not alone.

“How can I get my ex back?” is one of the most Googled relationship queries of all time – and there’s plenty of advice (good and bad – mostly bad) lurking around on the internet telling you how you can do just that.

But that’s not what today’s article is about.

No… Instead, I’m going tell you why you should never get back with your ex, and how doing so can actually hurt your game.

How so, you ask?

And it’s a good question. You might be thinking to yourself: “What’s the harm?” People hook up with their ex’s all the time, and we might end up getting back together. So why not?



Hooking up with your ex is backward step in your development into becoming the best possible version of yourself.

For starters, she’s an ex for a reason.

And over time you the reasons why you broke up might have faded a little in your mind… or maybe you think that you’ve both changed enough to give it another try… but that’s all a load of old baloney.

If you were not compatible once, you’re highly unlikely to compatible when you give it another shot.

Your ex was not “the one and only”.

There’s an abundance of other high quality women out there.

Have you ever heard the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?

Well, that’s exactly what you’re doing when you try to hook up with your ex.

You’re being insane, and it will almost always end badly.

So that’s just one big reason why you shouldn’t be getting back with you ex.

But there’s a bigger reason.

A more important reason.

And that is that reaching out and trying to hook up or get back with your ex WILL hurt your game.

If you want to improve your game, and skills at seducing women, then the only way to do so is to go out and approach and talk to new women. You want to rack up as much experience as you can with talking to different types of women, from different backgrounds, with different interests.

When you do this, you’ll start to recognize different patterns, the dots will slowly start connecting in your brain, and your game skills with skyrocket.

And obviously, you’re not going to be out there racking up new experiences if you’re too busy wasting your time trying to get back with your ex-girlfriend, attempting to re-kindle a failed relationship which is only destined to fail again.

And a big reason why getting back with your ex is ultimately destined to fail is because of “neediness”. The only reasons why you would ever choose to try and get back with your ex is because you feel like you “need” her in your life… or you’ve not been laid in a while and you “need” to get some action.

And there’s nothing more unattractive to a woman than a desperate or needy man.

She might also be desperate and needy and end up taking you back temporarily, but as soon as shes got some other options lined up, she’ll dump your ass faster than a Kenyan sprinter.

So instead forget your ex and move forward.

Until you eventually do meet the love of your life – game and seduction is all about progressing forward, experiencing new things with new women, and having fun.

Obsessing over getting back with you ex will only stunt your growth as a man.

Keep putting yourself out there, honing your game skills and meeting new women.

How Make A Girl Crave You

make a girl crave you

A big milestone you’ll hit sooner or later – so long as you keep working on your game – is that you’ll have women chasing after you.

They will be eager to spend more time around you.

They will chase you.

They will crave you.

Now, famous men get chased by women all the time. The have it easy with the fame factor working in their favor. But we can’t all be famous.

So how can a regular – non-famous – man replicate this sort of affect and have women chasing after him.

Wonder no more, because I have the answer.

Here’s 3 ways to make a girl crave you:

#1 – Spend Less Time With Her

This might sound counter-intuitive. But I’ve found the best way to make a girl want to spend more time with you, is to spend less time with her.

It really is true what they say: Absence makes the heart grow fonder – and attraction grow stronger!

You do this by not being available all of the time. Reason being, if you’re a man of value, you likely lead a busy life. You only have so much time to spend with your woman. If you’re constantly available every time she wants to spent time with you, she’s going to either think your a loser who has nothing else going on, or you’re cancelling other plans just so you can meet up with her.

Either way, this isn’t a good message to be sending.

If you limit seeing your woman to once or twice a week, she’s going to stay hungry for you. She’s going to crave you and be ready to jump your bones whenever  she next see’s you.

#2 – Rock Her World In The Bedroom

Speaking of her jumping your bones… if you really want your women to crave you like nothing else, you’ve got to rock her world in the bedroom.

Yeah, you’re right. A fairly attractive women can practically guarantee she can get sex whenever she likes. However, she likely can’t get “great sex” whenever she likes… because the cold hard truth is: Most guys are bad in bed.

If you can rock her world in bedroom, you’ll practically have her on a leash. She’ll be yours for as long as you want her.

So how do you rock her world in the bedroom?

It’s pretty simple. Most guys are a bad lay, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. I cover everything you need to know to be a rockstar in the bedroom in my eBook, “How To Fuck Her Properly”.

It’s available free as bonus to all members of the Get Her Bed program. You’ll find all the details of how you can join here:

#3 – Never Put Her Wants, Needs, And Desires Above Your Own

Men who go out of there way to please a woman never get respected by woman. And woman don’t find it remotely attractive. In fact, they’re repulsed by men who bend to their whim like a subservient chump.

Never… I repeat… Never put the wants, needs and desires of a woman above your own.

The moment you do that, you’ve lost.

Instead, focus on your goals, your desires, your mission, and let her join you on your awesome journey through life.

Not vice versa.

Apply these 3 factors to a girl in your life and you can be sure that she’ll be craving you in no time!

5 Ways To Test Your Frame With Women

control your frame get the girl

At Principles of Seduction, I talk a lot about frame…

Reason being, it’s an incredibly important aspect of gaming women.

If you’re not familiar with the term frame, it’s simply the agreed narrative that people view you as. You can think of your frame as being your “brand”.

For a second let’s pretend you’re a chef.

You could frame yourself as just some guy who cooks decent food, or you could frame yourself as a master chef who cooks the finest cuisine imaginable. Your meals are works of art.

See the difference?

Of course your frame is something that you have to negotiate with the people and the world around you.

You can beat your chest and tell the world your the greatest chef to ever walk the earth. But if other folks have tasted your food and think it tastes like garbage then your going to lose your frame.

You get the point.

That’s enough talk about chefs. Let’s bring this back into the world of seduction and gaming women.

The ideal frame you want to present to women you want to seduce is as follows:

You’re a decisive leader. You stay calm, cool and collected under pressure. You know what you want and you know exactly how to get it.

That’s the frame you want to present, and you should be displaying those qualities through your personality, and the things you say and do to back up that frame.

Doing this should give you pretty good control of your frame.

But how can you really tell if your in control of your frame, and that the girl your talking to agrees with your frame?

Well it’s very simple. You just have to put your frame to the test.

And here’s 5 of the very best ways to check your frame isn’t slipping.

#1 – Listen To Your Gut

Do you ever get that feeling in your gut that something is a little off with your interactions with women lately?

It could be your frame.

Maybe your chasing girls a little bit too much. Maybe your being too passive and agreeable. You’re gut is telling you that you’re not acting like a real man should.

If you feel like this, your gut is probably right.

Take some time to think back over the interactions you’ve had with women lately. Make note of where you’ve been going wrong. Where you tried too hard. The situations where you were too eager to please and put the wants and needs of a woman before your own.

If you’ve done any of that. You’ve lost your frame.

Listen to your gut, correct your behavior and regain your frame.

#2 – Are You Valuing Women More Than Yourself

Take a look at how you’ve been spending your time as of late.

Have you been skipping the gym and spending more time and money on chasing women?

Is your time spend gaming taking away from other productive elements of your life?

Then it’s high time to re-adjust your frame.

If you take anything away from the advice here at Principles of Seduction, it’s that YOU always come first.

Sure, going out and gaming women is a great thing to do, 1 or 2 nights per week, but it shouldn’t take away from the other aspects of your life. When you start to value the pursuit of woman above your own best interests then your frame is going to go out of wack – and ironically, you’ll end up having less success with women.

Funny how that works, isn’t it?

#3  – Test Your Frame With Women

Have a girl you’ve been seeing for a little while now?

Great, because she’s the ideal person to test your frame on. You’re going to know instantly if you’ve let your frame slip to much from the dominant male to a passive schlub.

There’s many ways to do this:

You can change plans (time or venue) with her at the last minute and note her response.

Strongly disagree with something she says. Check her response.

Ask her to run an errand for you. Pick up some laundry for you, or grab you something at the shops. Note her reaction.

If she kicks up a fuss in any of these scenarios, you’re frame is slipping.

#4 – How Needy Are You Acting?

I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it many times again.

Nothing kills attraction more than acting needy.

And neediness doesn’t do your frame any favors either.

Ask yourself these questions. Are you asking to spend time with a girl more often than she’s asking to hang out with you?

Are you texting her more than she texts you?

Are you spending a lot of time with her but not getting laid?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you’re acting too needy and it’s killing your frame.

Fix your behavior and regain your frame.

#5 – How Many Sh*ts Do you Give?

How much do you really care? That’s the all important question.

It’s a well established relationship maxim that the person who cares the least in a relationship, holds all the power.

This goes for casual “unofficial” relationships just as much as serious long term relationships.

Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t care at all…

Caring about a relationship can be very rewarding. And you should still put time and effort into your relationships.

But you shouldn’t care about your relationship any more than your girl cares about it.

You should be comfortable with the idea of walking away from it at a moments notice.

If you’re not, your frame WILL suffer. Make no mistake about it.

Your overall happiness should not be derived from the pleasure you get from one particular relationship. You should not rely upon the validation of a woman to make you happy.

Once you free yourself from this validation paradigm and instead derive your happiness from who you are as a person and all the things you’ve achieved, then you will be 1ox happier than before…

And your frame will be practically unshakable.

What To Do If Your Girl Cheats On You

The following question came in from a reader of the site recently:


A girl I’ve been dating for a little over 8 months confessed to me that she cheated on me a few weeks ago when she was on vacation with some of her girlfriends. She told me the feeling of guilt was too much for her to take so she had to tell me. She also said she never actually had sex with him. She just sucked him off. I feel like sh*t and don’t know what I should do. What do you advise?


It’s an awful situation to be in…

…but there is only ONE acceptable option you have when a woman admits to cheating on you, or if you catch her cheating on you…

You’ve got to break up with her.

If you catch her cheating, or she admits to cheating, you MUST break up with her.

I don’t care how much she means to you, or how long you’ve been dating.

There are no exceptions to this rule.

It might hurt to break up with her, but it’s going to save you from going through literal hell on eart in the long run.

If she cheats, she’s done. It’s as simple as that.

Ignore this rule at your own peril.

Reason being, if she cheats on you and you continue dating her, 3 things will likely happen.

  1. She’ll lose a ton of respect for you.
  2. You’ll lose a ton of respect for yourself.
  3. You’ve basically let her know that it’s “okay” to cheat on you, so she WILL do it again.

It might be a few days later… it might be a few years later… but you can count on the fact that she will cheat on you again.

By continuing to date her, you’re letting her know that you’re so pathetically desperate to be her boyfriend, that you’ll let her stuff another mans sausage and cream down her throat, have her come home and kiss you with those same lips, and you’re so pathetic that you’ll forgive her.

I don’t mean to be crude, but I’m just trying to clear paint the picture of how much of a non-option continuing to date her really is.

So in summary…

If she cheats, it’s over!

How To Deal With Emotions In A Relationship

As a man, if you want to have a successful relationship with a woman, it’s vital that you’re able to control your emotions.

I’ve seen so many guys let their emotions get the better of them – and their relationships have suffered greatly because of it.

Hell… I’ve even done the same thing myself when I was younger. I used to be terrible about losing control of my emotions and flying off the hook when certain things in a relationship didn’t go my way.

Maybe my girl would be having some sort of temper tantrum and I’d lose the rag with her.

No Bueno!

I had to learn to control my emotions. I had to become more stoic and not let external factors effect me.

That is one of the big keys to having a successful relationship.

A smart man learns from the mistakes of others. So do the smart thing and learn from my mistakes – and make the upmost effort to stay in control of your emotions!

And I aint just talking about negative emotions here.

I’m talking about positive emotions too. Because not being in control of your positive emotions can also completely kill any attraction a woman has for you.

For example…

Let’s say you get chatting to a woman in a grocery store. You throw a little game her way, the pair of you are vibing and she ends up giving you her number and agrees to meet you for drinks in a couple of days.

When this happens, you’re probably going to be feeling pretty pleased with yourself.

All the game advice that you’ve been studying, and the practice you’ve been putting in is finally starting to pay off!

But if you let all of these positive emotions show in that moment, that woman’s attraction towards you is going to completely bomb.

Imagine you start jumping up and down, and pumping your fist with joy after she gave you her number.

She’d probably think you were a little weird…

And it’s highly unlikely that she’d end up meeting you for drinks after all…

I know that’s a fairly over the top example, but I just wanted to really hammer home the point that letting your emotions show too much – (both positive and negative) – will absolutely kill attraction!

Another example…

Let’s say you’ve just got done having sex with a new woman your seeing for the first time, and she was an absolute freak in the sheets. In fact, you reckon that it’s been the best sex you’ve ever had.

Should you roll over and give a big smackaroo kiss on the lips and confess to her “That was the best sex I’ve ever had!”

No way!!!

Do that and her attraction she feels for you is going to take a dive.

Instead you should just give her a little kiss on her forehead and say nothing. Let her imagination fill in the rest. Leave her wondering if you thought she was any good. Leave her questioning herself.

That’s the right way to play it!

You see, women are not attracted to men who are easily controlled by their emotions.


Because every woman knows that she can stir up emotions in any man she gets close to, and if the man lets his emotions control him, then by proxy, she can control him.

And if she can control him, it’s a sign he’s mentally weak.

And women don’t want to date mentally weak men.

So instead of letting your emotions control you, you’ve got to be in control of your emotions.

How do you do this?

It’s pretty simple. But it’ll take regular thoughtful practice at first. But before long, controlling your emotions will become second nature to you.

The trick is this:

Whenever you feel a surge of emotion – positive of negative – choose not to react. Instead, pause for a moment, take 10 deep breaths, and let the emotion die down a little.

That’s all there is too it.

With regular practice, you will slowly become more and more stoic – and thus more attractive – and being in control of your emotions will become your natural response.

I’ve laid out the blueprint here to controlling your emotions.

The rest is up to you!

3 Great Responses To When Your Girl Says “I Love You”

responses to i love you

Those well versed in ways of relationship game will already know, as a man, you should never be the first person the relationship to utter those 3 little words.

“I love you”

While women do tend to like men who lead in a relationship, when it comes to talking about feelings and emotions, this is one area where it’s best to sit back and let the woman take the lead.

Failing to abide by this rule will almost guarantee that your relationship will fail. Her attraction for you will either fade, or you’ll get stuck in a relationship situation that you won’t be happy with.

I’ve been there and done that, and I’ve seen it happen to many other men.

It’s not a good situation to be in.

So remember, it’s always best to let the woman utter those 3 words first.

But with all that in mind. What should you say to her when she does tell you that she loves you?

The obvious response at this point would be to say – “I love you too” – which is an okay response.

But there are better responses you can use. And in this article, I’m going to cover my 3 favorite responses to use when a woman tells you that she loves you.

#1 – “I love me too”

This is a fantastic response.

It’s playful.

It’s cocky.

And woman eat this response up!

By stating “I love me too” you’re reinforcing the fact in her mind that you are indeed very lovable. You’re also showing her that you’re not strongly affected by her words. And to top it all off, she is going to respect you a hell of a lot more for being able to resist blurting out “I love you too”.

#2 – “You’ve got great taste”

Very similar to the example above. Again, this is a very playful response.

It shows her that you’re not playing by her script, and that you are in control of the frame.

She’s expecting you to reply with “I love you too” which is how most guys would respond. When you instead hit her with a response such as “you’ve got great taste” you’re going to seem more unique… special… and charming to her.

Again, this is another winner of a response.

#3 – “I Know”

Last, but certainly not least… this response is my favorite.

It’s simple, and brilliant.

Simply stating “I know” exudes a phenomenal degree of confidence and self control.

Women want a man who “gets” them. And these 2 simple words certainly communicate that.

With this response, you’re letting her know that you already know that she loves you. You know her better than she knows herself. You’re already 10 steps ahead of her. You’re letting her know that it’s okay for her to confess her love to, but that you feel no need to respond in the same manner.

Powerful stuff.

Give one of these responses a try – (especially that last one) – the next time your girl tells you she loves you. You’ll “love” the results.

How To Make A Woman Fall Deeply In Love With You

So you want to make a woman fall deeply in love with you, eh?

Well, if you’re familiar with “game advice” you’ll know that most it revolves around getting women to sleep with you – with sex being the main end goal.

You’ll even find a lot of that kind of advice on this site. Reason being, these tactics, techniques and seduction principles flat out work.

But what if your end goal is more than just sex…

What if you want something more?

What if you want to make a woman to fall deeply in love with you?

So deeply in love, that she is yours, physically, mentally and spiritually.

So deeply in love that she feels incomplete without you.

So deeply in love that her happiness is dependent upon you.

Can game help you achieve this goal?

Well the answer to that question is a little complicated… It can, and it can’t.

Let me explain.

Regular game advice can certainly get you laid, and it can even bring on the start of a successful long term relationship. But if you want to ensure that a woman will fall deeply in love with you, then you’re going to have to use an advanced level of game – that very few people are even willing to teach. Mainly because these techniques are ethically and morally a little shady.

If that makes you uncomfortable, I get it. You’d do best to ignore this article and use more conventional techniques. If you’re still with us, continue on.

In this article I’m going to reveal to you the secrets of “Deep Love Game” so you can use them too.

Warning: Use With Caution

But before we get down into all the dirty details, I’ve got to warn you. These “Deep Love Game” techniques I’m about to teach you are incredibly powerful.

I’ve tested them all out myself multiple times. I’ve taught it to other men who’ve managed to duplicate my results. To put it simply, it’s works like crazy.

This “Deep Love Game” is essential if you’re serious about starting a long term relationship, or even a marriage with a woman.

But it’s absolutely vital that you don’t misuse these techniques. If you use this on women that you’re not actually interested in getting super serious with, then you will end up breaking their hearts. There are no two ways about it. And at the end of the day, you shouldn’t be trying to go out of your way to break any hearts. So only use these techniques on women that you are seriously considering a long term relationship with.

Who Will It Work On

This technique will not work on every single woman.

The woman has to first be open to the prospect of falling deeply in love with you. Some women will be completely closed off to this idea at the present time and are only looking to pursue casual relationships. You cannot change these women no matter how hard you try. So don’t try.

The more submissive the woman is, the better it will work. I’ve seen these techniques work on woman aged from 18, up to 40 – So age doesn’t seem to matter that much.

How open she is to falling deeply in love at the present time seems to be the main factor that will determine if you’re successful with these techniques or not.

Keep Your Emotions In Check

When you are using “Deep Love Game”, it’s important you keep your emotions in check. This is true of all “game”, but it’s especially true with “Deep Love Game”.

If you allow yourself to fall in love too soon, then you can very easily end up becoming “the hunted” as opposed to the “hunter”. When you let your emotions take over too soon, you give away your control to the woman and she will start to lose her attraction towards you.

There’s a time and place for emotions deeper into the relationship, but in the early stages, you’ve got to stay level headed and in control of them. Fail to do so, and you will fail with the woman.

The Deep Love Game Process

Okay, now that we’ve got all of the preface out of the way, it’s time to reveal to you the “Deep Love Game” process.

Here’s a rough breakdown of how the process might go:

  1. Man meets woman. Preferably, this will be a new woman who you’ve not met before. The man could meet her at a club… a bar… a coffee shop. Hell, even a grocery store. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that he games her (using the techniques I teach in Get Her In Bed), gets her number, and then gets her out on a date.
  2. Using standard game techniques – (again, that I teach in Get Her In Bed) – the man sleeps with the woman within 3 dates. If the man can’t sleep with the woman within 3 dates then it’s highly unlikely he will be able to successfully use the later staged of “Deep Love Game” on her. It’s important to note that the man must bring his A game when it comes to sex. He has to rock her world. If you want some pointers on this, check out the bonus eBook, How to Fuck Her Properly, that you get when you become a Get Her In Bed member.
  3. Deep down, the women must crave a loving long term relationship. If she doesn’t crave this and isn’t naturally submissive, “Deep Love Game” will not work. The good news is that most woman do crave a long term relationship with a man, and the majority of woman are submissive.
  4. Man continues to game the woman and slowly starts spending more and more time with her. Using basic game techniques, the man ensures all the time he spends together with the woman is geared in his interests.
  5. The woman becomes more and more attached through having regular sex with the man, and spending more time with him.
  6. The man slowly starts to introduce “compliance requests” into the relationship, making the woman invest more into the relationship. These can be things like requests to swallow your cum. Or they can be nonsexual requests, like telling her to meet somewhere at a time and a place, without giving her any other details as to why she’s meeting there. Another standard compliance request would be asking her to cook a meal for you. Have her pick up your dry cleaning, or run an errand for you. Request that she wear a certain outfit you like for your next date.

A compliance request is anything that she does for you that does not directly benefit her in any way.

The sole purpose of her completing the request should be to please you. The man shouldn’t feel guilty at all about this, because submissive (which most women are) derive a lot of pleasure from pleasing a dominant.

If she goes along with these initial “compliance requests” there’s a good chance she can fall deeply in love with the man. It’s important that you should reward her good behavior (obeying compliance requests) and punish her bad behavior (not obeying). You can reward her by telling her she’s a good girl, and rocking her world in the bedroom. You can punish her by temporarily becoming more distant, not responding to her texts… giving her the silent treatment. The main way you can punish a woman who is falling in love with you is to temporally pull away and become more distant.

  1. The man starts to utilize “callback sex language” that start to make the woman mentally dependent on pleasing the man. This is actually considered a light form of brainwashing and is very powerful. When the man is having sex with the woman he will say things such as “You are my little slut. Tell me what you are.” And he will get her to repeat that she is his little slut. All sorts of phrases can be used here. “You are mine. You’re sole purpose is to please me. Say it” Get her to repeat all of these derogatory submissive remarks when you are fucking her. This is “callback sex language”.
  2. Man starts to use “Fear Of Loss Game” on the woman. This is basically statements that creates a fear of the woman losing the man inside her mind. When the woman contacts the man asking to hang out (a.k.a. have sex) the man should occasionally blow the woman off. “Nah, sorry. I’m feeling tired tonight.” Or “I can’t. I’m busy”. Statements like these will make the woman think she is losing the man. Or she might start to think that the man is seeing someone else. Either way, her fear of loss will kick in and she will start to invest more and more in the relationship in an attempt to ensure she does not lose the man.
  3. At this stage the woman will usually initiate “the talk”. She’ll tell the man she wants their relationship to be exclusive.
  4. Man admits that he does have strong feelings for the woman, but he’s unsure as to whether the relationship can work out. Presents made up problems to the woman that prevent them from furthering the relationship at the current time.
  5. Man increases “compliance requests” causing the woman to invest further into the relationship.
  6. Woman is increasingly making the man her “entire world”. She keeps investing in the relationship and keeps convincing herself that he’ll eventually come round and choose to further the relationship.
  7. Man starts to randomly and infrequently introduce “soft game”. I.e. Random acts of kindness. Giving her random gifts. Flowers etc. Or sending her texts saying “night night sweetie xx” In other words, he shows the woman a little bit of his softer side. Whilst I wouldn’t normally recommend using this type of game. However, in this situation, this type of behavior will intrigue the woman. It gives the woman a degree of hope that she can change the man. You see, women are naturally drawn to “project” men. There attracted to them because they have many options. They exude confidence. They don’t need any one particular woman. In essence they are the “alpha male.”

Now woman are attracted to these men, but they always like to think that they will be able to change them. To get them to settle down and be fully committed to them. They want to change the man so he buys her clothes, dinners, and loves her deeply. However, if the man lets the woman successfully change him, her attraction for him will usually fade. Ironic, isn’t it? So the key to a successful long term relationship is always to give the woman a little hope that she could change you. But never actually letting her change you.

This is why it’s important to slowly include elements of soft game at this stage. But you’ve got to use it in moderation. The ratio should be 3 compliance requests for every 1 bit of soft game.

  1. The man presents the woman with a big request that will pull her out of her comfort zone. This can be anything you can think of, but a good example is a request to borrow a fairly significant sum of money. You tell her you need to borrow XYZ amount of money. You tell her that she is the only one who can solve your problem. And finally you add a sense of urgency. You need the money by a specific date. You can give her back the money after the test at a later date. It’s purely a test to see if she will comply.

This request doesn’t have to be money related. It can be anything that you think will push her out of her comfort zone.

The key thing is that this is a test to see if she will comply. It’s a test to see how far out of her comfort zone she will go for you.

If she goes along with this big request then this is proof that she has fallen deeply in love with you.

At this point you can control where you want to take the relationship.

You can move into a committed long term relationship with the woman.

You could choose to end the relationship if you decide you’re no longer interested.

Or if you are very interested in the woman, and serious about her, you could even consider marrying her.

It really is up to you at this stage.

The power is in your hands.

All is fair in love and war

Following on from yesterday’s email, about the Truman Show, and uncovering truths in your life…

When you start to uncover the truth about the reality behind relationship dynamics, you may be shocked.

You may even be uncomfortable to learn that building an attraction with a woman can (and often does) involve playing little “mind games”.

And you might be comfortable using these “mind games” on random chicks…

But you’re probably going to come across a women who you think is different.

You’re going to think, this woman is girlfriend material… Hell, maybe you could even see yourself getting married to this woman at some point down the line.

And because of this, you say to yourself, “This woman is too good to use any mind games on”.

The moment you tell yourself that though, is the moment that you’ve lost her.

No woman is too good to play “games” with.

And if you ever feel guilty about playing these sorts of mind games, just remember that women will be playing mind games of their own on you. Giving you subtle “tests” and seeing how you react.

There’s nothing bad about this. It’s just the way it is.

As the saying goes: “All is fair in love and war.”

And if you want to win a women over, it helps to be packing a fully fitted arsenal of seduction weapons.

Which is exactly what you’ll get when you become a Get Her In Bed member.

Just be aware, some of the techniques taught in the Get Her In Bed program aren’t all “sunshine and rainbows”. When it comes down to it, you’re going to be learning about attraction and seduction techniques that actually get you results. And sometimes that can involve playing a little dirty.

A lot of the advice in the program may seem counter-intuitive to you at first. It might not seem inherently natural to you.

But the bottom line is that you’re obviously not happy with the results you’re getting from doing what feels natural to you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have signed up to receive these emails in the first place.

And despite the fact that these proven methods may seem unnatural at first, they work like magic.

So I encourage you to put them to give them a go and see the results for yourself.

If you’re ready to become a member, here’s you link with all the details:

See you on the other side,
Vince Sutherland

Will you meet me halfway?

Just a short email today… But it’s packed with a valuable tactic for those who apply it.

When it comes to first dates, the conventional advice is to meet the girl at a venue that’s somewhere halfway between your place and hers.

And as a youngen’, I too thought that when going on a date, I should probably meet her somewhere halfway.

After all… It does seem fair.

But like most conventional dating advice, you’d do well to ignore it…

And there’s many reasons why.

For one thing, you’re probably not going to be as familiar with good venues that are located 20 to 30 minutes away from where you live. And if you follow the halfway advice, you’re probably going to end up going to different venues with every new girl you date. Which isn’t ideal, because a date is going to go far better for you if you have it at a venue that you’re already familiar with, where you might even know some of the people who work there.

And worst of all, if you have a date at a venue that isn’t that close to either your place, or her place, then if things are going well and you want to invite her back to yours after (which you should be doing) it takes longer and is more of a hassle than it needs to be.

So instead, whenever possible, arrange dates at a venue that is close to your place. Preferably within walking distance if possible. Or a short taxi ride away at most.

The benefits of doing so are many.

And the drawbacks are few… So it’s a bit of a no brainer when you start to think about it.

If you to get your hands on more tactics like this, and more importantly, the principles behind why these sort of tactics work so effectively, you can find them inside the Get Her In Bed program.

Here’s the link with all the details:

Until tomorrow,
Vince Sutherland