Are You Making These Embarrassing - Attraction Killing - Mistakes With Women?

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The best game is no game

“The best game is no game.”

I’ve heard this said by 2 completely different types of guys. One type are bang on the money and know what they’re talking about.

The other type are delusional, okay with women (but not great) and use the above saying as an excuse not to take action and improve their game. I’ll explain the real reason why the “best game is no game” is a minute, but first…

If you’re not already familiar with the term “game” when it comes to dating and relationship, “game” is simply what you do to get a girl.

Everybody has some kind of game.

If your game is great, attracting women and sleeping with them will seem like a natural easy process for you. And conversely, if your game sucks, you’ll be lucky if you can get any girl to sleep with you.

When it really comes down to it, game is a skill. And just like any skill, there are different levels to it.

The first level of game is unconscious incompetence.

At this level, your game sucks and you’re completely oblivious to how bad your game sucks. This is the lowest level of game.

The next level of game is conscious incompetence.

If you’re at this level of game, you’re still terrible with women, but you now realize just how bad your game is. Which is important, because once you know that you’re game is terrible, you can take action to improve it.

The third level of game is conscious competence.

At this level, your game has improved. You’ve learned what works and what doesn’t.

You’ve got a decent grasp of game, and are starting to see some major success with women.

But at this point you still have to actively think about how you act and what you say around women or else some of your old bad game will still slip out.

And finally, the last level of game is unconscious competence.

It takes many years of practice to get to this stage. At this stage your game is great and it’s become second nature to you. At this point you don’t have to spend any time thinking about game because it’s as natural to you as breathing.

At this level, your game is on auto pilot. Hence, the best game is no game.

Now since you’re reading these emails from me, you’ve at least reach the second level of game -conscious incompetence

If that’s where you’re at right now – you realize your game could do with being better and you’re ready to take action – then you’re in the perfect situation to benefit from the Get Her In Bed program.

And because the program is very principle focused (not just techniques and tactics) you’re going to learn the fundamental principles needed to eventually take you to that fourth level of game – where you don’t even have to think about what you’re doing because it’s just comes automatically to you.

So if you’re ready to shortcut the learning process and take you game up a level, here’s your link:

Until tomorrow,
Vince Sutherland