Break the pattern to get the girl
Upfront, I’m going to warn you, today’s email probably isn’t going to be that popular with a lot of readers… But if you’re one of the people who takes the time to read and really think about the concept I’m about to share, it can completely revolutionize the way you think about every single relationship in your life.
So let’s jump in.
When you really get down to thinking about it, every single relationship in your life right now is made up of patterns.
Behavior patterns of how you act around certain people…
Speech patterns of how you talk and what you say around certain people…
And thought patterns of how you think about certain people, and how they think about you…
And once one of these patterns is created, it becomes very hard to break this pattern and change the way you behave, speak and think around people, and how they behave speak and think around you.
A great example of one of these patterns is the classic case of the friend-zone.
If a women gets into the pattern of thinking of a guy as a friend, she isn’t suddenly going to think to herself one day: “Oh, you know, that guy’s really nice. Maybe I should give him a chance to bang me sometime.”
It just aint gonna happen.
And it’s not for a woman’s lack of a dirty mind. Because believe me, I know a lot of women like to give off the impression that they’re all pure and innocent a lot of the time. But the dirty thoughts some of them think are 10 times filthier than the typical thoughts that go through most guy’s heads.
Anyway, to get back on point…
The reason she is never going to suddenly view a guy she views as a friend in a sexual masculine light is because she’s got into the pattern of thinking of him in an asexual nature as just her friend.
In other words, the guy is stuck in the friend-zone.
And the only way for him to escape the friend-zone is for him to do something that’s capable of breaking her current thought pattern, and then changing his behavior patterns so she starts perceiving him in a more masculine light, as someone who could be a potential sexual partner.
It’s easier said than done… but it is definitely possible
In fact, it’s actually quite easy to pull off if you know what you’re doing. I’ve finely tuned a simple 4 stage plan that I call the reversal attraction method that breaks the whole process down into easy to follow steps that can take you from being trapped in friend-zone with a girl with no obvious way out, to having that same girl naked with you in your bed.
It’s a simple process, but it works like crazy.
If you want to try the method out for yourself, you can find it in the Get Her In Bed members area.
Here’s the link with all the details:
Until tomorrow,
Vince Sutherland
P.S. Not sure whether my Get Her In Bed program is right for you? Try it today, completely RISK FREE, and if for whatever reason you’re not completely satisfied with the program, just contact me within 60 days of signing up and I’ll give you a full refund.
One more time, here’s the link: