Category Archives for "Confidence"

Newbie Game Advice

game advice for newbies

I often get asked, what should men who are completely new to game do to rapidly improve their success rate and start getting the results they want with women fast?

So, to answer that question, I decided to put together this short article with the 4 things I recommend all men new to game do.

Here we go:

#1 – Read & Apply Game Material

Reading Game advice like the articles here at Principles Of Seduction, and the top notch advice you’ll find inside programs such as Get Her In Bed, can really improve your game skills fast.

But what’s just as important… if not more so… than actually reading game material is going out and applying it.

Knowing how to seduce women is all well and good.

But it isn’t real until you actually go out and do it.

Don’t be one of these booksmart wannabe players who “know” everything there is to know about picking up women, but have never actually applied any of that info.

Otherwise, what’s the goddamn point!

#2 – Find Yourself A Game Mentor

Reading about game advice is one thing. But learning game in person can be a lot quicker if you find the mentor.

Find yourself a friend or an acquaintance that is great at swooping women. Spend a night out at the club with them and learn as much as you can from them. Watch how they operate.

Offer to buy all the drinks for the night if you have to in order to hang out with this person. What you learn from them will be well worth the investment.

#3 – Always Be Approaching

Game is a skill, and like all skills, the only way to improve and get better is through consistent regular practice.

I suggest making a small commitment to regularly using game every single day.

Make it apart of your every day life.

How do you do this?

It’s quite simple. Just make the small commitment of approaching one new women each day. It could be on the bus on your way to work, or at the coffee shop, or the grocery store, or on the street or wherever.

All you have to do is approach her, start a casual conversation with her, and try to get her number.

If you want detailed instructions on how to best go about doing this, check out Get Her In Bed, in which I break down what I’ve found to be the most effective way of doing this.

One approach a day is all it takes to significantly skyrocket your game and start seeing the kind of results you desire with women.

#4 – Don’t Be Scared Of Rejection

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

When you’re doing your “one approach per day”, most of the women you talk to will not give you their phone numbers.

That’s okay.

Getting rejected might sting a little a first, but you’ll quickly get used to it. In order to succeed at anything in this life, you’re going to have to fail a lot first.

Game is no different.

I get rejected all the time…

I also get laid a lot too. Because I don’t let rejection faze me and I keep moving forward.

Do the same and you’ll see great results.

Just follow these 4 simple pieces of advice and it won’t be long before you start to see your first signs of game success!

Why “Bad Boys” Will Never Be Short Of Women

bad boy persona attract women

I’ve heard it said recently that the bad boy persona is played out – and it just doesn’t attract women these day.

What a load of drivel!

We’re living in a fast paced world, where a lot of things are changing very quickly, but one that will never change (at least not rapidly) is human psychology, and the factors that make men and women attracted to each other.

The same factors that make men attractive to women, and women attractive to men, are largely unchanged from the times when humans lived in caves.

So I doubt it’ll be changing any time soon.

As it is with the “bad boy” persona.

There are certain characteristics of the stereotypical bad boy persona that women are hard wired to be attracted to. And while they may not choose the “bad boy” as a long term partner or husband, the “bad boy” is the man her sexual side is immensely attracted to.

So in order to set the record straight, I’m going to lay the many reasons why the bad boy persona will always wet women’s loins.

Check it:

#1 – “Bad Boys” Are Considered To Be Sexually Superior

Whether or not it’s actually true is besides the point.

The fact remains that society as a whole paints “bad boys” as being sexually superior to practically all other men. Is it because the bad boy is viewed as getting all the women and having lots of sex? Probably.

And when you adopt the bad boy image and persona for yourself, you can take full advantage of this phenomenon.

You might think that women wouldn’t want to sleep with a guy who has a reputation (or seems like) he sleeps with a lot of other women. But you’d be wrong. Because there is a well established biological theory known as sexual selection which states that women are attracted to men who are desired by other women.

So by simply adopting the bad boy persona, you can practically guarantee success with women.

#2 – The Bad Boy Is Exciting

At no other time in recent history have young women been more intent on having fun, seeking thrills and indulging in pure hedonism.

And no man is known for being more exciting, and more capable of showing a women a good time than the “bad boy”.

When you adopt a bad boy persona that’s all about having fun, and being the life of the party, then women are going to swarm to you.

#3 – Women Are Always Attracted To Men That They Want To Change

It’s true.

Women are always attracted to the man they want to change. It’s simply in their nature. They want to be “the one” who able to turn the bad boy good, and thus validate how “special” they are.

Of course, the trick to taking advantage of this is to never actually change for them.

Because when you do, they’ll no longer be attracted to you. It’s strange why women do this, (even they aren’t fully conscious of this) but it’s an observable phenomenon that I’ve witnessed time and time again.

A woman becomes attracted to a man for who he is. She tries to change him. And if she succeeds in changing him she’ll ditch him for some other guy who’s like what her ex used to be like.

The bad boy persona is here to stay, and those who adopt it will sweep up with the ladies.

No matter how much modern media and magazines try to push the image of the new “softer” male ideal on western society, female biology will not change. And women will continue to be attracted to the bad boy persona for centuries to come!

Does Being Bald Affect Your Dating Prospects?

baldness and dating prospects

A reader recently wrote in:

“Hey Vince. I’m been showing the first signs of balding for a little while now and finally decided to say screw it and just shave all my hair off. Go for that buzzed look. But my question is do you think this will affect my dating prospects?”

It’s a good question.

And the answer is it can and it can’t.

Vague, I know…

But it all depends on how you let it affect you. If you start worrying that being bald is going to throw off your game and your not going to be as successful with women, then it will do just that.

However, if you instead don’t let it affect you, and remain confident, it aint gonna matter one iota!

I’ve known guys who kill it with the ladies who have started going bald in their late twenties – and they just shaved their head and kept on smashing it.

Your confidence and your game should not be derived from whether or not you have hair on your head.

So by that logic, it shouldn’t change a thing.

In my experience, most chicks couldn’t care less if you’re bald or not – and those who do care – well that’s their loss.

There’s plenty more hot women out there who’ll dig your shaved head.

Being bald is just one of those things that you don’t have a whole lot of control over. Sure, you can mess around with Rogaine and other supplements and desperately try to cling on to what hair you have left… or you can just accept that it’s largely out of your control and not give a f*ck about it.

The only thing I’d avoid if you’re going bald is letting your balding hair grow out.

Having long balding hair is not a good look, and no amount of not caring is going to change that.

Shaved heads on the other hand are actually a hit with a lot of ladies.

So get yourself a pair of clippers and shave it regularly.

Moral of this short article?

Don’t worry about the things you can’t control. Just focus on the things you can control instead – i.e. embracing a positive, confident, mental attitude and keeping your head shaved.

Do that and going bald aint gonna change a thing.

How To Game When Life Isn’t Going Your Way

game when life isn't going you way

Life not going your way?

Maybe it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month… or even your year.

Cheesy lyrics aside – when things aren’t going your way, it can be tough to feel like going, having fun and chatting women.

Maybe your boss is giving you a hard time… maybe your long term girlfriend just broke up with you… maybe your car is broken down…

Whatever it is… you probably just want to stay in and sulk, and drown your sorrows with a bottle of whisky (or other booze of choice).

But the truth is, sitting around sulking isn’t doing you any good. It’s not going to make your ex-girlfriend take you back. (Screw her anyway!) And it’s not going to make your boss any more chuffed with you. (Screw him too!)

So if it’s Friday or Saturday night, there’s no point staying in and sulking.

It’s not going to fix any of your problems.

In fact, there’s likely very little you can do on a Friday or Saturday night that will solve any of your major problems.

So instead of moping about them, the best thing you could possibly do is go out, have some fun, and talk to some women.

It’s a like a mini-vacation from your everyday life.

There are somethings that men are just hard wired to enjoy: Great weather, delicious food, and being surrounded and talking to beautiful women.

Nothing is going to cheer you up more, and recharge your batteries than going out to a bar and gaming some chicks.

But there are some rules to doing so successfully.

First of all, you’re going to have to put in a little bit of effort to get your energy levels up. I know this can be hard to do when all you feel like doing is sitting around and moping but once you get going, the momentum will keep your energy levels rolling and you’ll feel a hell of a lot better.

One thing I like to do to get my energy levels up before going out is to put on some high intensity music, jump around a little, and do some shadow boxing.

After doing that for just 3 – 5 minutes you’ll be ready to rock and roll.

The next rule is that you must leave your problems and troubles at home when you go out. You shouldn’t be going out to the bar and complaining and your life, all woe as me, to the women you should instead be gaming.

They aint going to pity bang you!

So forget about your troubles. Remember, your on your own little mini-vacation when you’re out gaming. So instead of complaining about your life, remain upbeat and be present and in the moment.

Once you do those two things the rest should come naturally.

Go talk to girls as you normally would. It doesn’t matter if you don’t end up getting their numbers or if you don’t end up sleeping with them.

If you do, that’s great.

But simply just talking to good looking women is going to boost your mood, take away any stress your feeling and recharge your batteries.

When you do game properly, it’s kind of like a form of therapy.

The important takeaway here is that if life gets you down, you shouldn’t be using that as some sort of an excuse to not go out, or to stay home and sulk.

The best thing you can do is go out and game.

It’ll lift your mental state.

And you’ll feel all the better for it.

Humans are social creatures and thrive when we’re socializing. A.K.A. Out meeting women.

Wallowing alone at home will only make you feel worse.

Is She Insulting You Or Testing You? – How To Pass Any Shit Test

how to pass any shit test

how to pass any shit testWouldn’t it be fantastic if picking up women were easy?

… If you could just walk up to a woman, declare your interest in her, and make her yours?

But alas, that’s not the way things work and dating and relationships are much more complex – and often times counter-intuitive.

And perhaps one of the most counter-intuitive things you’ll ever come across is what’s commonly referred to as “the shit test.”

For those unfamiliar with this lingo, a shit test is when a woman verbally insults you.

And the reason behind these insults are not malice, hatred or meanness. And it definitely doesn’t mean she isn’t interested in you.

Oh, no.

Quite the opposite in fact.

Which is why you can never take what a woman says at face value. (Hint: Pay more attention to what a woman does, rather than what she says!)

The real purpose behind a woman’s insulsts is that she is testing you. In a way she’s trying to see how much of a man you are. She’s testing you to see how well you can handle being insulted.

Reason being… If you can’t handle an insult from some random woman you barely know, then how on earth are you going to handle all the other shit life throws at you?

On a deep biological level, women are attracted to men who can take care of themselves, and handle tough situations.

So if a woman throws an insult your way… chances are that she’s already somewhat attracted to you. Otherwise, she wouldn’t even bother testing you in the first place.

And how you respond to her insult will greatly affect your chances of whether or not things will ever go any further between you and her.

Pass her shit test… and you could end up her in your bed that very night.

Fail her shit test… and in her eyes you will go from “potential mate” to “completely unfuckable”.

Quite a difference…

So by now you should be starting to see just how important it is to be able to pass a woman’s shit tests.

Which begs the question, how do you do it?

How do you pass a shit test?

Well wonder no more, because I’m about to show you a fool proof way to pass any shit test a woman can throw at you.

In order to pass a shit test, you first have to understand exactly what a shit test is.

A shit test is a woman’s attempt to “control the frame”.

Or in other words… she is trying to frame the situation in a certain way that paints an unflattering picture of you.

So the way to pass any shit test is to simply re-frame the situation in a way that paints you in a better light.

This is best illustrated with an example, so I’ll give you one.

Here’s a common shit test you might hear if you’ve met a woman at a club and you’ve been talking for a little while.

“Just so you know, I’m not having sex with you tonight.”

In this situation she’s framing the situation as such: You want to fuck her tonight, but the only reason that isn’t happening is because she’s decided so.

In this frame, it paints her as holding all of the power, and you holding none of the power.

So to beat this shit taste you simply flip the frame. And you can do so with any of the following lines:

“Sex? Now I know what you’re thinking about.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter!”
“Who said we’re having sex?”
“I know we’re not. I’ve not figured out if you’re my type yet.”

And that’s all there is to it.

So the next time a woman throws a insults you, don’t take it personally.

It’s just a test… (and a good sign that she’s probably into you)

Simply re-frame the situation and see how she reacts.

She might then throw more shit tests at you to really see what you’re made of…

…but so long as you keep re-framing the situation, you can’t go wrong!

A rule to live by

If you put a gun to my head and asked me to sum up a single rule that a man should live his life by, (I know… unlikely scenario, but humor me)

I’d have to say it’s the “paparazzi rule”.

Now, I should mention that I did not come up with this rule. I first heard of it on a blog many years ago which is no longer around.

But it’s a great rule to keep in mind as you go about your day to day life, so I thought I’d share it with you here.

The paparazzi rule is pretty straightforward.

Imagine for a second that you’re a famous celebrity.

You’ve got the fortune…

the fame…

the money…

the power…

the women…

The only problem is, you’ve also got hordes of paparazzi following you around, snapping pics of you when you least expect it.

And thus, the paparazzi rule is as follows:

You must always be acting in a way that you’d be proud of if a paparazzi snapped a photo/video of you, and that photo/video was plastered all over the media worldwide.

This pertains to how you carry yourself (body language), the things you do, the things you say, the clothes you wear, the places you go etc.

Now, you’ll likely never be in the situation where you have paparazzi chasing you around.

But it still pays – (in all kinds of ways, including more success with women) – to always be acting as if this was the case.

You can’t go wrong following the paparazzi rule.

And if you’re looking to improve your success with women, then you also can’t go wrong with the Get Her In Bed program.

If you’ve decided that today’s the day you’re ready to join the program, then here’s your link to do so:

To your success,
Vince Sutherland

Are you living in your very own Truman Show?

I watched the movie The Truman Show yesterday, and dang, it’s phenomenal!

It’s packed with a ton of important lessons when you really get thinking about it – some of which I believe elude very closely dating in the modern world.

*Spoilers await below* You have been warned. And if you’ve not seen the movie yet, I highly recommend watching it soon and coming back to this email after.

With that warning out of the way, here’s the gist of the movie.


The movie is basically about a man named Truman, who is the unsuspecting star of the reality TV show, The Truman Show. Truman was born and raised on a TV set inside a gigantic dome, fitted with thousands of cameras to film Truman, which he believes to be the real world. All the people he interacts with on day to day basis are actors, who Truman believes to be real people.

One of the actors on the Truman Show, Sylvia, manages to warn Truman that his reality is fake, before she gets taken away and fired from the show.

Truman starts to notice a number of strange occurrences (a falling spotlight, rain that only falls on him etc.) that lead him to suspect what Sylvia was saying is true.

Truman eventually manages to outwit the show’s producer and sail off on a boat. He sails the boat until his boat suddenly punctures the edge of the dome.

At this moment, all of Truman’s suspicions are confirmed.

He now knows that his reality isn’t real.

Truman walks up some steps at the edge of the dome towards an exit door, at which point he faced with a choice.

The voice from the show’s producer booms from the sky, and attempts to convince Truman to stay. Telling Truman, there is “no more truth” in the real world, than there is in this artificial world I’ve created for you. And that by staying in this artificial world he would have nothing to fear.

Truman considers this, then states his catch phrase “In that case, if I don’t you see again, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight” before walking out of the exit door into the real world.

*Roll credits*


The movies packed with lessons, one of which being that the reality that we belief in our minds to be true, often times isn’t completely true.

Now usually this isn’t as extreme as our whole world being a lie… However… There are plenty of untruths that you may come across in your life.

One of which being, the typical understanding of relationship dynamics.

In our culture, males are often brought up to believe that by treating a woman with respect… by caring for her… and by simply being nice to her… that she will appreciate all of this and in turn be attracted to you.

And as most men discover when they put that into practice, which simply isn’t the case.


And when you realize that this is a lie (when your boat punctures the dome) you are faced with the same decision Truman is faced with.

You can stay inside the comfortable safe artificial reality…


You can make the decision to venture out into the unknown and discover the truth…

And make no bones about it. Discovering the truth can be dangerous, and it likely will hurt you.

But you will be all the better for it.

So if you’re ready to discover the truth behind relationship dynamics, and break out of your artificial dome, then the Get Her In Bed program can help you do that.

The truth lays waiting inside the member’s area for those who dare enter.

Here’s your path to the exit door:

Until tomorrow,
Vince Sutherland

Women are asking, where have all the good men gone?

The other day I was reading an interesting article, in which an important lesson lay for those who read between the lines.

In this article, 5 single women had been interviewed, and the question they were all asking was:

“Where have all the good men gone?”

Now, bear in mind these women were all between the ages of 40-50. None of them were terrible looking, or particularly overweight.

But their looks had certainly faded…

And they were struggling to find a man the same age as them who they found to be “dateable”.

And their story isn’t uncommon. Most women who find themselves single in their 40’s and onwards tend to have hard time dating.

Reason being, the dating market significantly swings into men’s favor as they age.

Which is blindingly obvious when you consider what qualities men and women find most attractive.

For example, women are primarily attracted to confidence, with things like personality, money and power ranking as secondary attractive qualities.

And confidence, money and power, are all things that men typically accumulate more of as they age. And as time goes by and you experience more things, your personality will likely grow more interesting too.

In short, men typically become more attractive to women as they age.

Whereas on the other hand, what are men primarily attracted to in women?

You guessed it… Their physical appearance.

Sure… things like personality obviously play a role… but primarily, men are attracted to looks.

Which start to quickly fade for women when they move into their 30’s – or even earlier if they don’t take care of their health.

And all of this means that single men in their 30’s and 40’s suddenly find themselves being more sought after by younger women, and therefore, don’t date the single women who are the same age as them.

So what does all of this mean for you?

If you’re in your 30’s or 40’s, have the confidence to approach and date younger women. You’ll often find they are into you.

And if you’re in your in your 20’s (or younger), don’t be dissuaded. One of the primary factors that women are attracted to is confidence which can be developed at any age.

And if you make an effort to keep yourself in relatively good shape and work a decent paying job… by the time you move into your 30’s and 40’s, you’re going to be able to have your pick of the litter.

But none of that’s possible without confidence.

And if you want to learn how to develop an unshakeable confidence – that’ll instantly boost your success with women – as well has have much more far reaching benefits in almost every aspect of your life…

Then take a look at the first principle of attraction, and pay specifically close attention to what’s written under the heading “How To Eradicate Your Neediness For Good & In Turn Become More Charismatic”.

What you’ll discover there will allow you to develop an unshakeable level of confidence that’ll stick with you for the rest of your life.

Here’s your link to join the Get Her In Bed program:

Until tomorrow,
Vince Sutherland

What’s your secret reason?

Ask yourself this…

Why are not as successful with women right now as you want to be?

And try and narrow it down to one exact reason.

Got it?


The reason you’ve thought of is what I like to call your “secret reason”… and most men who aren’t having the success with women that they desire usually have one of these secret reasons.

Maybe it’s that you feel you’re too old.

Maybe you think you’ve got too much of a gut.

Maybe you think you’re too scrawny for any decent looking women to find you attractive.

Maybe you tell yourself you’re too busy with work at the moment, but sometime in the future you’re going to put some real effort into meeting women.

Whatever you tell yourself your secret reason is for failing with women… that secret reason is probably isn’t a reason at all.

It’s not a reason.

It’s an excuse.

And maybe this isn’t what you want to be hearing right now… I get it.  I used to have my own excuses for failing with women that I considered to be legitimate reasons at the time.

But the truth is, they weren’t legitimate reasons at all. They were just excuses.

And the sooner you realize that this is the case, the sooner you can start to do something about it.

Do you want to know the real underlying reason why you’re not experiencing as much success with women as you’d like?

I wager it’s because you don’t have a full grasp of the psychological dynamics of attraction…

And that’s okay. Nobody really teaches most men this sort of stuff, leaving most guys to tackle the dating market through blind luck, and what little knowledge they manage to pick up on their own.

But if you want to take chance out of the equation and ensure your success with women, then you must have a deep understanding of the psychological principles of attraction.

And not only that… You must also apply this principles into your day to day social interactions with women in order to see any results. (Knowledge without action is a waste!)

Both of which you can learn about in great detail in the Get Her In Bed program.

Here’s your link:

Until tomorrow,
Vince Sutherland

Why you should delete your Facebook account

It seems that nowadays that social media is all the rage.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and whatever else people are using these days…

Frankly, I consider it all to be a giant waste of time. I have better things to do than “show off” on social media or stalk the profiles of people I went to school or university with.

And I’m sure you have better things you could be doing than all of that as well.

But alas, my opinion towards social media is not a popular one… So today I’m going to argue my case as to why it’s in your best interest to delete your Facebook (and other social media profiles) and how doing so can even help you get laid.

First let’s take a look at the reasons why people use social media:

  1. To show off – Complete waste of time
  2. To see what people you don’t really keep in touch with anymore are up to – An even bigger waste of time
  3. To keep in touch with friends

Keeping in touch with friends is a somewhat valid reason to use social media. However… people managed to keep in touch with friends before social media was a thing. All you have to do is pick up the phone and give them a call. And I’d argue that in doing so, it forces you to figure out who your real friends and keep in touch with a smaller number of higher quality friends.

Because no-one really has 637 friends, despite what their Facebook profile says. They instead have 637 people that they sort of know.

And… That’s about it. I can’t think of any good reasons that any sane person would use social

Write me an email if you think otherwise telling me why. Who knows… maybe you just might change my mind.

Probably not though…

And on top of there being no good reason to use social media, there are also a few perks to not using it.

Increased privacy for one thing.

And it’s also a great way to find out if a girl you’re interested in is a bit of a control freak early on. I’ve had a few women completely freak out at the fact that they couldn’t stalk me and find out all about me on social media before going on a date with me.

Which is great in my opinion, because I can tell that getting into a relationship with one of those women would be an absolute nightmare, so I can break things off with them nice and early.

And on other occasions, not having a Facebook account has probably helped me get laid.

After all, having a little bit of mystery about you is an important element of creating an attraction.

And not broadcasting your entire life to everyone and anyone with an internet connection can be all it takes to make you seem a little mysterious in today’s world.

So why not give it a go yourself, and delete your Facebook account for good.

Or at the very least, tighten up your privacy settings, and have a cull of all the people that you’re not actually close friends with.

I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results… and who knows… it might even help you get laid.

And speaking of helping you get laid… here’s your link to join the Get Her In Bed program:

Until tomorrow,
Vince Sutherland

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