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How To Get The Number Of That Cute Barista Girl

Every time you visit your local coffee shop, she catches your eyes.

You just wish you could get her number, and get her out on a date with you… but you don’t have the faintest idea how to go about it without coming across as a creep?

Well don’t worry.

I’ve got you covered.

Because today I’m going to break down  an effective strategy for getting the number of the cute barista girl.

It’s not a foolproof strategy – No strategy ever is!

She might already have a boyfriend, or maybe she just isn’t feeling your vibe, or who knows what. It’s not going to work 100% of the time every time.

But if you follow this strategy to the letter, you’re going to give yourself the best chance of getting that cute barista girls number.

So lets dive on into the strategy itself.

Step 1:

You’re going to have to frequent this coffee shop somewhat regularly for a few days. So you’ll want to have something to do.

Maybe bring a laptop and get some work done. Or a notepad and do some writing.

Now, you need to get the cute barista girl to first acknowledge your existence. She has to know you exist before we go any further.

The best way to do this is to make sure she serves you.

If you attend the same coffee shop frequently enough, it’ll just be a matter of time before she ends up serving you. When you’re ordering your coffee, smile and make some small talk with her. If she’s wearing a distinct piece of jewellery, or has a cool tattoo or something unique about her, compliment her on it.

For example, tell her, “What’s the story behind that bracelet your wearing? It looks really cool!”

Girls love receiving a genuine compliment.

Just be sure to not over do it.

You’re just giving her this one initial compliment to make her feel good and get her attention.

Make some more friendly chat and get on a first name basis with her.

Step 2:

The next step is to enjoy your coffee and look engrossed in whatever it is you’re doing.

Maybe you’re getting some work done on your laptop. Maybe your writing on a notepad.

The trick is to look engrossed.

Reason being, you want to be creating an element of mystery about you in the girls mind. She’ll see you sitting enjoying your coffee, engrossed in something (who knows what) and you now seem a little mysterious to her.

Continue to repeat steps 1 and 2 for a few days.

Step 3:

By now you should have talked with the barista a few times, and built a little rapport with her.

She’ll have also seen you engrossed in writing on a laptop or on a notepad for a few days in a row. You’ll now come across to her as a little bit mysterious.

This is good.

She may even be intrigued enough to ask you what you’re doing. Be truthful when you tell her, but be a little vague to keep the aura of mystery about you.

For example, tell her you’re doing a little writing, or you’re a web designer, or you’re catching up on emails or something equally as vague.

Now it’s time to move in for the kill and get her number.

So how do you go about doing this?

The best approach is to be fairly direct.

But there’s some subtleties you want to take into account as well to do with the way you ask.

You want to frame it as if you’re qualifying and choosing her rather than vice versa.

Here’s how you can do just that.

Just say:

“You also seem to brighten up my day whenever I see you. We shout meet up sometime when you’re not wearing that green apron. What’s your number?”

Or alternatively:

“You seem cool. We should get together sometime when you’re not working. What’s your number?”

Will these lines work all the time? No. So put on your big boy pants and be prepared to get turned down.

But they do work a surprising amount of the time, and some barista girls will jump ant the oppertunity to give you their number and be so glad you asked.

They’re simple, direct and get straight to the point.

And women respect a man who is direct.

A man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to put himself out there to get it.

That’s the type of man you should be striving to become.

Over and out!